AZ-140 EXAM Q&A


AZ-140 exam Q&A / MCQ/ Question answers/ exam dumps

1. What is Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop?

A. A virtual machine hosting service

B. A cloud-based virtual desktop infrastructure

C. A Microsoft Office suite for virtual desktops

D. A software development kit for virtual desktop applications

Answer: B

2. Which operating systems can be used with Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop?

A. Only Windows 10

B. Only Windows Server 2019

C. Both Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019

D. Windows 7 and 8

Answer: C

3. Which Azure service is used to manage the deployment of Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop?

A. Azure Monitor

B. Azure Resource Manager

C. Azure Active Directory

D. Azure Policy

Answer: B

4. What is the role of the Azure Virtual Desktop agent?

A. To authenticate users

B. To manage virtual machines

C. To monitor performance

D. To install software and updates

Answer: D

5. Which Azure service is used to store user profiles and data for Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop?

A. Azure Active Directory

B. Azure Blob Storage

C. Azure SQL Database

D. Azure Files

Answer: D


6. What is the maximum number of users that can be hosted on a single Azure Virtual Desktop host pool?

A. 500

B. 1,000

C. 5,000

D. 10,000

Answer: C

7. Which authentication method can be used with Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop?

A. Password authentication

B. Multi-factor authentication

C. Smart card authentication

D. All of the above

Answer: D

8. What is the role of the Windows Virtual Desktop client?

A. To authenticate users

B. To manage virtual machines

C. To access virtual desktops and applications

D. To configure virtual machines

Answer: C

9. Which Azure service is used to manage user access to virtual desktops and applications?

A. Azure Active Directory

B. Azure AD Domain Services

C. Azure Information Protection

D. Azure Rights Management

Answer: A

10. What is the role of the Azure Virtual Desktop host pool?

A. To manage virtual machines

B. To store user profiles and data

C. To provide a pool of virtual desktops for users to access

D. To provide security and compliance controls

Answer: C

11. Which Azure service is used to manage updates for virtual machines in a host pool?

A. Azure Update Management

B. Azure Security Center

C. Azure Policy

D. Azure Monitor

Answer: A

12. What is the role of the Azure Virtual Desktop diagnostics tool?

A. To monitor performance and troubleshoot issues

B. To manage virtual machines

C. To authenticate users

D. To store user data

Answer: A


13. Which Azure service is used to monitor the performance of virtual machines in a host pool?

A. Azure Monitor

B. Azure Log Analytics

C. Azure Advisor

D. Azure Application Insights

Answer: B

14. What is the role of the Windows Virtual Desktop PowerShell module?

A. To manage virtual machines

B. To automate deployment and configuration

C. To monitor performance

D. To access virtual desktops and applications

Answer: B

15. Which Azure service is used to provide network security for virtual machines in a host pool?

A. Azure Firewall

B. Azure Virtual Network

C. Azure Application Gateway

D. Azure DDoS Protection

Answer: B

16. What is the role of the Windows Virtual Desktop ARM template?

A. To manage virtual machines

B. To automate deployment and configuration

C. To monitor performance

D. To access virtual desktops and applications

Answer B

17. Which Azure service is used to create a custom image for virtual machines in a host pool?

A. Azure Image Builder

B. Azure Virtual Machines

C. Azure Disk Encryption

D. Azure Storage

Answer: A

18. What is the role of the Azure Virtual Desktop app?

A. To authenticate users

B. To manage virtual machines

C. To access virtual desktops and applications

D. To monitor performance

Answer: C

19. Which Azure service is used to manage user identities and access to resources in a host pool?

A. Azure Active Directory

B. Azure AD Domain Services

C. Azure Information Protection

D. Azure Rights Management

Answer: A

20. What is the role of the Azure Virtual Desktop PowerShell module?

A. To manage virtual machines

B. To automate deployment and configuration

C. To monitor performance

D. To access virtual desktops and applications

Answer: B

21. Which Azure service is used to backup virtual machines in a host pool?

A. Azure Site Recovery

B. Azure Backup

C. Azure Log Analytics

D. Azure Monitor

Answer: B

22. What is the role of the Windows Virtual Desktop web client?

A. To manage virtual machines

B. To authenticate users

C. To access virtual desktops and applications

D. To monitor performance

Answer: C

23. Which Azure service is used to create a secure connection between on-premises resources and virtual machines in a host pool?

A. Azure VPN Gateway

B. Azure ExpressRoute

C. Azure Bastion

D. Azure Firewall

Answer: A

24. What is the role of the Azure Virtual Desktop REST API?

A. To manage virtual machines

B. To automate deployment and configuration

C. To monitor performance

D. To access virtual desktops and applications

Answer: B

25. Which Azure service is used to manage user access to virtual applications?

A. Azure Active Directory

B. Azure AD Domain Services

C. Azure Information Protection

D. Azure Rights Management

Answer: A

26. What is the role of the Azure Virtual Desktop diagnostics extension?

A. To monitor performance and troubleshoot issues

B. To manage virtual machines

C. To authenticate users

D. To store user data

Answer: A

27. Which Azure service is used to manage virtual machines in a host pool?

A. Azure Virtual Machines

B. Azure Kubernetes Service

C. Azure Container Instances

D. Azure Service Fabric

Answer: A


28. What is the role of the Azure Virtual Desktop gateway?

A. To manage virtual machines

B. To authenticate users

C. To access virtual desktops and applications

D. To monitor performance

Answer: C

29. Which Azure service is used to manage user access to virtual desktops?

A. Azure Active Directory

B. Azure AD Domain Services

C. Azure Information Protection

D. Azure Rights Management

Answer: A

30. What is the role of the Azure Virtual Desktop MSIX app attach feature?

A. To manage virtual machines

B. To authenticate users

C. To access virtual desktops and applications

D. To monitor performance

Answer: C

31. Which Azure service is used to manage access to virtual machines in a host pool?

A. Azure Active Directory

B. Azure AD Domain Services

C. Azure Information Protection

D. Azure Rights Management

Answer: A

32. What is the role of the Windows Virtual Desktop feed?

A. To manage virtual machines

B. To authenticate users

C. To access virtual desktops and applications

D. To monitor performance

Answer: C

33. Which Azure service is used to manage virtual network security for virtual machines in a host pool?

A. Azure Firewall

B. Azure Virtual Network

C. Azure Application Gateway

D. Azure DDoS Protection

Answer: A

34. What is the role of the Azure Virtual Desktop HTML5 client?

A. To manage virtual machines

B. To authenticate users

C. To access virtual desktops and applications

D. To monitor performance

Answer: C

35. Which Azure service is used to manage virtual machine disk encryption in a host pool?

A. Azure Disk Encryption

B. Azure Key Vault

C. Azure Security Center

D. Azure Backup

Answer: A

36. What is the role of the Azure Virtual Desktop portal?

A. To manage virtual machines

B. To authenticate users

C. To access virtual desktops and applications

D. To monitor performance

Answer: A

37. Which Azure service is used to provide load balancing for virtual machines in a host pool?

A. Azure Traffic Manager

B. Azure Load Balancer

C. Azure Application Gateway

D. Azure Front Door

Answer: B

38. What is the role of the Azure Virtual Desktop scaling tool?

A. To manage virtual machines

B. To automate deployment and configuration

C. To monitor performance

D. To access virtual desktops and applications

Answer: B

39. Which Azure service is used to manage virtual machine backups in a host pool?

A. Azure Site Recovery

B. Azure Backup

C. Azure Log Analytics

D. Azure Monitor

Answer: B

40. What is the role of the Azure Virtual Desktop network security group?

A. To manage virtual machines

B. To authenticate users

C. To provide network security for virtual machines

D. To monitor performance

Answer: C


